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How To Paint Furniture From Target

By Rachel

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Last Updated on October 9, 2024 by Rachel

This tutorial will walk you through how to paint furniture from Target!

Years ago, before I was into vintage decorating, I purchased a teal colored cabinet from Target. At the time, we lived in a very small apartment so I bought this cabinet to use for storage. This cabinet still proves to be super useful in our home now but I am over the teal, so I gave it an upgrade. Follow along as I transform this piece and learn how to paint furniture from Target!

Supplies and Materials Needed- How to Paint Furniture from Target

FAQ’s on Painting Furniture

1. What Kind of Paint Do You Use on Furniture?

For this project, I used your regular indoor paint from the hardware store in a satin finish. You can also opt to use eggshell or semi-gloss. However, satin is more durable than the later two and, since this piece of furniture is used a lot, that was the way to go.

2. Can I Paint Furniture Without Sanding It?

You can, yes, but that’s going to lead to more work down the road. In my opinion, it’s better to do all of the prep work up front, like sanding, so that your furniture will last longer without having to go back and re-paint. Also, depending on the wood or finish of the piece, the paint may not stick to it without sanding.

an old cabinet from Target that's been painted creamy white and new knobs added to it

Shop Cabinet Knobs

How To Paint Furniture From Target

Here is the before look of the cabinet. There is nothing really wrong with it other than the color. I do like teal but it’s just too loud for my space since my style has evolved over the past few years.

I’ve been looking for an antique cabinet for awhile to replace this one but haven’t found one that is just as functional.

You see, our cable and internet hook ups are along this wall and there is not an easy way to move them, though I so wish there was. The doors on this one conceal the modems and cable boxes perfectly while still enabling me to decorate on it.

an old teal cabinet from Target with glass doors

Revamp Target Furniture How-To

Step 1: Remove Doors and Shelves.

First, I unscrewed the door hinges to remove the doors. It was going to be easier to paint the doors if they were flat on the ground.

I also removed the shelves.

removing hinges from a cabinet door from Target to prep for painting

Step 2: Sand the Cabinet.

I took the cabinet outside and roughed up the surface using an electric sander and 100 grit sandpaper.

cabinet outside ready to be sanded with an electric sander

I simply went over the surface with the sander to pull up a little bit of the paint.

This also helps to get the shiny finish off of the cabinet so that the paint adheres to it.

fine powder from sanding a Target furniture piece

As you can see in the photo, a fine teal colored powder came off.

The sander really did a good job of taking the paint off around the edges which is what I was hoping for.

Here is one of the sides of the cabinet after sanding.

I went over it with a dry rag to remove all of that powder and then used a damp paper towel to get a really clean surface for painting.

side of a Target cabinet that has been sanded and ready for paint

Rachel from The Antiqued Journey

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Step 3: Paint the Cabinet.

I should mention here that I am only painting the shell or outside of the cabinet and the doors. The reason for this is if I painted the whole cabinet, meaning the outside and the inside where the shelves sit, the black boxes from the cable and internet would stick out like a sore thumb against the white.

So, I’m leaving the middle part teal as well as the shelves that sit inside of the doors. Sounds interesting, right? I think it works!

Below is the paint that I chose. I really love the creamy white color of it because it’s neutral enough to decorate around.

a paint color called Swiss Coffee from Behr for painting a Target cabinet

Next, I simply poured a small amount of paint in a tray and used a 3/4 inch roller to apply it. I realize using a primer paint first would have been smart but there wasn’t any in my house at the time and I didn’t want to make another trip to the store, so it is what it is!

There wasn’t an issue with the paint not sticking or being too see through without primer, so if you don’t have primer, it should still work just fine.

painting a Target cabinet with white paint and a 3/4 inch roller

I kept applying paint, one coat at a time, until the cabinet looked smooth and finished without any splotches or inconsistency. It took four coats of paint total.

To get in the crevices and in all of the edges, I used a small craft paintbrush. It worked fabulously!

a small craft paintbrush for using to get paint into edges and crevices of a cabinet

Rachel from The Antiqued Journey

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This is what the outside of the cabinet looked like after four coats of paint!

a side view of a Target cabinet painted white

Step 4: Tape Off the Glass.

Because the grids were not remove-able, I needed to use painters tape to cover the glass before painting it. This process was a little tedious because I had to make sure the tape was going into every single corner.

Luckily it was a beautiful day outside so I didn’t mind!

tape off glass on cabinet doors to prep for painting

I kept taping until all of the glass was covered, as seen below.

Then, using a screwdriver, I removed the knob.

tape on glass of cabinet door ready for paint

Step 5: Sand the Doors.

To rough up the doors for painting and to remove the shiny surface, I simply hand sanded them with 150 grit sandpaper. I made sure to get along the edges really well as well as along the panes.

Again, I used a rag to clean off the dust and then a damp paper towel to prep it for paint.

hand sand cabinet doors to prep for painting

Step 6: Paint the Doors.

To paint the doors, I first started with the small craft paintbrush to get into the crevices of the panes.

Then, using the same 3/4 inch roller, I rolled the top and the sides.

painting the doors of cabinet from Target with creamy white paint

Just like the cabinet itself, the doors received four coats of paint.

first coat of white paint on cabinet doors from Target

I let the doors dry completely before removing the tape.

remove painters tape from glass cabinet doors

Gently, I pulled back all the tape to finish the door!

Obviously there are two doors and I repeated this same process on the other one.

new white doors on an old cabinet from Target

Step 7: Attach the New Knobs.

I could have used the knobs that came with this cabinet originally but they felt too modern with the new color palette.

So, I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up these pretty knobs! They happened to be 40% off that day so I think I paid around $6 for both.

blue and white floral knobs for a cabinet

These knobs came with a washer and nut in the back so all I had to do was screw them into the existing hole. Super easy!

attach new knob to a Target cabinet door

Step 8: Reattach Doors.

From there, I re-attached the hinges and screwed the doors back onto the cabinet.

screw hinge back onto a cabinet door that was painted

Here is the left door back in it’s place!

a cabinet from Target that's been re-painted white with a new blue and white knob

Step 9: Clean the Glass.

I don’t have a picture of this but my husband helped me with this part. As you can see above, there is some paint bleeding onto the glass even though I did my best to tape it all off!

He used a small razor blade and scraped off all the areas where there was paint on the glass. This made the doors look so clean and precise!

Step 10: Style and Display!

It’s done! After re-attaching the millions of cords to the electronic boxes that you can’t see behind it, I moved the cabinet back in it’s place and started to decorate it.

love how it turned out. The creamy white on it looks so pretty, especially with all of my vintage decor!

The old wooden crate, which holds all of Tilly’s outside items, really pops now against the white, which I adore. I feel like you didn’t even notice the crate before because it was blending in with the dark color.

a Target cabinet and door that has been re-painted white with blue and white knobs

Having this cabinet white brightens up this whole wall and it’s just gorgeous. The teal that you can still see feels like background noise now and I really don’t notice it at all.

It makes my whole living area feel cohesive and all of the areas flow together in a much more practical manner.

a Target cabinet that was been re-painted white and displayed with vintage decor

Closing Tidbits on How to Paint Furniture from Target

Re-painting this old cabinet has transformed my living room and it was such a fun project for me to work on…one that I had been waiting to do all winter. I still would like to find an antique wood cabinet for this spot but this will totally do for now.

I hope you found encouragement here on how to paint furniture from Target! With a little creativity and a weekend of work, you can turn any old piece from a retail store into something special that fits your style and your home’s aesthetic.

Be encouraged to find hope and potential in the little things and turn it into something beautiful.

signature from The Antiqued Journey

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a Target cabinet that has been re-painted to a white cream color displayed with vintage finds

If you are new here, I’m Rachel, the writer and content creator here at The Antiqued Journey. I’m so happy to have you! I encourage you to stop by the ‘about me’ page to get to know me a little more.

Here on the blog, you will find loads of inspiration for decorating with vintage and antique decor, simple DIY crafts and many thrifting adventures. If that interests you, I invite you to sign up for my e-mail. You will receive a free digital download as a thank you!

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I’m so glad you are here! Old things are my jam. Antique malls and thrift stores are my happy places.

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