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Christmas Garland With Vintage Sheet Music

By Rachel

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Last Updated on February 18, 2025 by Rachel

Deck your halls using this easy Christmas garland with vintage sheet music DIY!

As the holiday season approaches, it’s a great time to start creating DIY decor to make your home feel festive. For me personally, vintage holiday decor is what I absolutely adore. So, to go along with that theme, I decided to make a Christmas garland with vintage sheet music to adorn a small Christmas tree. Let’s get in the Christmas spirit with this easy craft project!

A Vintage Sheet Music Garland for the Holidays

You guys. I’m SO EXCITED for Christmas. Like…this is the most excited I’ve been in years! As I was brainstorming content for this season, the idea of creating something with vintage-looking Christmas music kept coming up so I went with it.

I am so happy with how this Christmas garland turned out. It’s the epitome of vintage Christmas, so let’s get into it!

Materials Needed for a Vintage Paper Christmas Garland

Rachel from The Antiqued Journey

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Christmas Garland with Vintage Sheet Music DIY

1. Find Vintage Christmas Music.

The first step in the process is to find a whole bunch of Christmas sheet music if you don’t have any already. There are a few ways to go about this. You can check your local thrift store for old hymnals or piano books or go to a used book store.

If neither of those options work for you, you can do what I did and purchase a bundle of vintage-looking music off of Etsy that came in digital download form. It only cost me $2.00 to have access to about twenty different varieties of Christmas sheet music. So cool!

vintage looking Christmas sheet music for a DIY

2. Print Vintage Music.

After the download was complete, I simply printed off how many of each music page I wanted. This is the easiest way to get the look for less and without the hassle!

vintage looking Christmas sheet music for a DIY

3. Choose Christmas Shapes.

Next, I needed shapes. So, I went to the kitchen and pulled out my bag of Christmas cookie cutters. These little pieces of metal come in handy for more than just cookies!

I went through the shapes and chose a handful that thought would look pretty on a garland.

Christmas cookie cutters for use on a garland DIY

4. Trace Christmas Shapes onto Vintage Sheet Music.

Then, using a pencil, I started tracing shapes onto the music. I traced along the inside of each shape but you could trace around the outside and achieve the same results.

trace cookie cutter shape onto vintage music

There is not really a specific way to do this but I tried to fit as many shapes onto one piece of music as possible to cut down on paper waste.

I chose one shape at a time, traced that one for awhile, then switched to a different shape. This rotation through the shapes made sure I would have enough variety of them on my garland.

trace stars onto vintage sheet music for a DIY garland

Tip: When tracing the shapes, I made sure to trace some of the song titles on a handful of them. 

Also, a cute idea I had when doing this was to use a cookie cutter that was themed to the song itself. So, for Jingle Bells, I used the bell cookie cutter!

bell cookie cutter shapes on vintage sheet music

5. Cut Out Christmas Shapes for Garland.

After I had all of the shapes traced, I cut them out.

cut out shapes for a Christmas garland

Since there are so many shapes, I cut two or three paper sheets at a time. This method did make my fingers sore but it significantly cut down on the amount of time it took!

You will have a big pile of paper shapes when all is said and done.

Christmas garland shapes cut out

6. Paint Holiday Garland Shapes.

Once the shapes are all cut out, it’s time to paint them!

I did not have this step in mind when I started this project. However, once I had all the of the shapes cut out, many of them were still too light in color for the look I was going for.

So, keep in mind that this step is not necessary if you don’t want to do it but it really does add depth and contrast to the garland when it’s finished.

To start, I put a small dab of metallic paint on a paper plate.

gold metallic paint for a DIY Christmas garland

Now, I didn’t want to completely cover and coat each shape with paint, rather just give a little ‘zhuzh’ to them.

To achieve this, I used the dry brush technique. Basically all you do is get a very small amount of paint on your paintbrush and then wipe off as much excess as possible onto the plate.

Then, as Bob Ross says, “just a hair and some air” to each shape. Simply brush the tips and sides with the metallic paint and then dust a few small areas in the center.

metallic paint on a star shape for a Christmas garland

This technique took a little practice but it became easier as I went along.

Just put on some Christmas music and paint away until you have all the shapes done!

dry brushed Christmas shapes for a garland

7. Let Christmas Shapes Dry.

Leave the shapes for about 20 minutes to ensure each one is all the way dry. While you wait, this is a good time to plug in the hot glue gun and let it heat up.

dry brushed Christmas shapes for a DIY garland

8. Hot Glue Shapes on Christmas Ribbon.

The last step is to glue your shapes to the velvet ribbon to create the garland itself!

You will first want to figure out how long you want your Christmas garland with vintage sheet music to be. I unrolled the red velvet ribbon until it looked long enough. My garland is roughly 5 feet.

Then, I stacked the shapes accordingly, putting all of the bells in a pile, stars in a pile, etc…This way it’s easy to just grab and glue.

stacked Christmas shapes for a DIY garland

Now, think about how you want the garland to look. Do you want to do a random order of shapes? A pattern of two shapes? A pattern of three shapes?

Even though I cut out five different shapes, I ended up using just three of them.

I started with the bell by placing a small dab of hot glue on the ribbon and pressing down firmly.

hot glue bell shape to red velvet ribbon

I repeated this process with the star, which is my second shape in the pattern, spacing them about an inch apart.

glue star shape onto ribbon for a Christmas garland

And then with the ornament, as well.

Repeat this same process for each shape.

Christmas shapes glued to a red velvet ribbon

If you are happy with the length when you reach the end of the ribbon, simply cut the tag end with a scissors.

If you want your garland to be a bit longer, just keep gluing shapes until it’s long enough.

cut end of ribbon on garland

Holiday DIY: Crafting a One-of-a-Kind Christmas Garland

With that, the garland is complete!

I did take a minute to go through and pull off any hot glue strings to make sure the garland looked all nice and neat.

a DIY Christmas garland with vintage Christmas music on a flocked tree

Where to Display a Christmas Garland with Vintage Christmas Music

There are many options when it comes to displaying your homemade garland.

When I think of garlands such as this one, my mind naturally goes to wrapping it around a tree. I made mine specifically to fit on a small Christmas tree that will be decorated in my entryway.

a DIY Christmas garland with vintage sheet music on a flocked tree

Other places you could display a paper garland include:

  • draped across a doorway
  • over a mirror
  • wrapped around a pole or post
  • hang over the top of a hutch
  • wrap it around a wreath

a finished DIY Christmas garland with vintage sheet music on a flocked tree

As with most of the DIY projects that I tackle, they take on a mind of their own. The project evolves and grows as I go along but that’s the creative process!

So, when you think your project is going awry, it’s most likely not but is doing something better than expected. Just go with it!

a gold dry brushed star on a DIY Christmas garland with vintage sheet music

I’m truly so happy with how this Christmas garland turned out.

It’s exactly what I had envisioned in my head. When placed on a Christmas tree, the garland looks so much prettier than I had dreamed it would, especially with a string of fairy lights.

vintage Christmas garland DIY

Bonus Christmas Project with Leftover Paper Garland Shapes

If you are like me, you will most likely have leftover paper shapes.

An easy way of using them up is to glue a twine loop to the back of them to create either ornaments, gift toppers or gift tags!

It’s like two projects in one 🙂

vintage Christmas music used for DIY gift tags

Closing Tidbits

May this Christmas garland with vintage sheet music inspire you to create beautiful, handmade decor for your home this holiday season. With all of the hustle and bustle, it’s important to remember to slow down for a minute and give yourself room to breathe.

Making decor that can be used year after year is not only eco-friendly but it also gives you a sense of accomplishment. Understanding that you can fabricate a beautiful home, with your own two hands, for less money, is amazingly rewarding. Be encouraged to create this season, finding a sense of peace along the way.

signature from The Antiqued Journey

Leave me a comment! Do you like making DIY holiday decorations? I love hearing from you!

an image for pinning

Just click the red button in the left corner to save this idea for later!

a christmas garland with vintage sheet music

If you are new here, I’m Rachel, the writer and content creator here at The Antiqued Journey. I’m so happy to have you! I encourage you to stop by the ‘about me’ page to get to know me a little more.

Here on the blog, you will find loads of inspiration for decorating with vintage and antique decor, simple DIY crafts and many thrifting adventures. If that interests you, I invite you to sign up for my e-mail. You will receive a free digital download as a thank you!

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The Christmas Candle Collection

I want to remind you that The Antiqued Journey Christmas Candle collection is live in the shop! I only have six candles remaining and three scents left. The candles are made with organic soy wax and hand poured, by me, out of my kitchen.

These make amazing gifts for those on your list that have everything 🙂 Thanks so much for your support!

handmade soy wax Christmas candles

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Rachel from The Antiqued Journey blog

Hey! I’m Rachel!

I’m so glad you are here! Old things are my jam. Antique malls and thrift stores are my happy places.

Here on the blog I love to share my excitement, knowledge, and ideas about all things antique, vintage, and thrifted. Let’s journey together!

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