Through showcasing thrifted wares and decorating an antique curio cabinet with glass doors, you’ll learn how to style your favorite decor finds in a timeless way!
Have you ever walked into a vintage store, or were scrolling online, and stumbled upon something so amazing?! If you’re a lover of all things vintage and thrifty, that find probably gave you a rush of excitement. That happened to me recently when I found the antique cabinet of my dreams. Join me for the ultimate guide on showcasing thrifted wares and decorating an antique curio cabinet with glass doors!
The Allure of an Antique Curio Cabinet
We all know the feeling…that mix of sheer joy and excitement when bringing a ‘new’ thrifted find home, while, at the same time, your mind racing with all of the possibilities. But, especially when it’s an old piece of furniture, it can also be a little overwhelming. With the endless array of questions and ideas, it may be difficult to narrow down specific decor options or choices.
Like, now that you have it home, what do you do with it?!
Thrifted Goodies Volume 32: Ultimate Styling Guide for an Antique Curio Cabinet with Glass Doors
Hello, guys!
Welcome, or welcome back, to the blog and to the next installment in the ‘Thrifted Goodies’ series! If you are new around here, welcome!
This is a monthly series where my friend MaryJo from the blog Master’pieces’ of my Life and I share thrift hauls, thrifting tips, and general thrift shopping advice.
MasterPieces of My Life
My partner in this series, MaryJo, is sharing a thrifty post all about how to use thrifted milk glass for St. Patrick’s Day decor! So fun!
After you are done here, head over to her post and say hello! You may find just the thing you are looking for.
MasterPieces of My Life Social Channels:
Backstory of Acquiring my ‘New’ Antique Curio Cabinet
If you are a regular around here, you may remember that I’ve been on the hunt for a curved glass curio cabinet for a while. I’ve spent the better part of six months scouring all my usual haunts for said cabinet but to no avail. Well, that all changed a few weeks ago when the most incredible cabinet popped up on FB Marketplace for just $30!!
I hurriedly messaged the gal, trying to get to her before anyone else did. Turns out, I was second in line. Womp, womp. But! A little while later, the seller messaged me, informing me that the first buyer couldn’t make it in time so it was all mine. Yippee!!!
The next day after work, I hopped in the car to pick it up.
So, after all that, here’s my glorious cabinet!
Where to Shop for Antique or Vintage Furniture
Let’s first start off by quickly chatting about where to source secondhand furniture.
There are a ton of places you can shop for antique and vintage furniture. It all depends on what you are looking for, how much you are willing to pay, or if there is a very specific piece that you have in mind.
However, if you don’t care to shop online, here are some other places to look:
- estate sales (go on the first day of the sale for best selection)
- thrift shops (furniture at these stores go quick so check back often)
- antique stores (going to be more expensive but will have super quality pieces)
- garage sales
- flea markets
Shop Favorite Curio Cabinet Decor
Showcasing Thrifted Wares: Decorating an Antique Curio Cabinet with Glass Doors
If you’ve been around here for a while, you may notice that this week’s Thrifted Goodies post is a bit different. Usually, I post a haul of recent thrift finds and coordinating styling.
Let’s get into it!
Preparing a Curio Cabinet: Setting it Up for Success
I always check for any loose screws, loose legs, loose glass, etc…Then, I check to see if anything is actually broken or cracked.
Assess how to go about fixing the things…can you do it yourself or do you need to ask a professional for help?
Cleaning and Restoring
After getting my curio cabinet safely inside, the first thing I did was to give it a really good cleaning. I didn’t get any photos of this step but basically I used my microfiber rags, got them slightly damp, and used some mild soap. I wiped off each shelf, the whole inside, and the inside and outside of the glass.
During my once-over of it, I noticed that the glass in the door was loose. So, after cleaning, hubby helped me place some rubber stripping up in the left corner on the inside of the door. This secured the glass and it’s as good as new!
It truly doesn’t take much to make an old piece of furniture shine again!
Curio Cabinet Lighting
Lighting places a crucial role in a curio cabinet, especially with glass doors. You want to be able to see the pretty things inside, right?!
My curio cabinet did not come with any type of light inside, which is great, because I wanted to be able to create my own lighting! In going through each lighting type, I chose to use ambient lights.
Inside the cabinet, I placed a faux pillar candle on top of a thrifted plate. The candle gives off the most magical glow in the evening!
Then, for a bit brighter light, I placed a vintage lamp on top of the cabinet. This beautiful lamp was found at antique shop years ago. It’s been in many spots in our home over the years but this spot is my favorite!
The lamp itself is just bright enough where it can be on all day, like an accent light if you will.
Shop Curio Cabinet Lighting
Placement of a Curio Cabinet in a Room
The last step in prepping a curio cabinet, or any piece of old furniture, is choosing where to place it in the space.
However, when purchasing an antique furniture item, it’s usually helpful to already have a spot for it in your home. In the case of my curio cabinet, I knew I wanted it in my bedroom along an open wall. This alleviates the concern of “where is this going to fit?!”
Basically, be sure that the furniture isn’t going to block a walk way or stick out too far…you don’t want anyone stubbing their toes!
Curating a Collection in a Curved Cabinet
Okay! Now that it’s cleaned up, repaired, and set in place, it’s time to start decorating! This is where the timeless piece of furniture really starts to shine AND also where your creativity comes to life.
Choose a Theme or Style
Truly, there are endless options for what you could use inside a curved cabinet! The sky is the limit and it’s totally up to you and what you love.
Maybe you have a collection of vintage glassware that could be curated into one location. OR, maybe you are a person who loves porcelain dolls and want to display those( a curio cabinet is a great option for dolls because, well, less dust).
Other themes or style ideas:
- natural history specimens
- found objects such as coral, shells, rocks, dried florals, or sea glass
- wooden items
- pottery
- coastal, mid-century or cottage style
- trinket boxes
For the theme inside my curio cabinet, I chose to go with blue and white.
You see, over the years, I’ve curated a pretty decent sized collection of blue and white vintage things such as transferware, vintage linens, plates, platters, and the like. In the past, I’ve decorated with it here and there all over the house, especially for the Spring season, but I truly LOVE having all of these pieces together in one spot.
Personal Meaning
So, when styling a cabinet, or any type of shelving, I encourage you to display items that are personally meaningful to you. This will make the display engaging and connected to you as a person.
That thing happens to be a photo of my grandparents. They are both in heaven now and I know they are watching over me and my family everyday. I’ve had this amazing picture of them pinned up on a bulletin board next to my desk for years but I figured it was time to finally frame it.
So, off to the thrift store I went to source a frame and this one happened to be there, just waiting for me, for only $1.99! It’s just perfect.
Variety of Decor and Other Accessories
My advice would be to go around the house, or thrift some items if you have to, and create a big pile to pull from.
Include wares such as:
- tall vases
- round objects
- skinny items
- soft textures such as linens
- natural items such as twigs, floral stems, or greenery
- pieces that are within the same color scheme (like multiple shades of blue, for example)
- items that can be stacked
- background items such as plates, platters, or trays
The Art of Placement: How to Arrange a Cohesive Display in an Antique Curio Cabinet
There are a number of styling elements to keep in mind when arranging a curio cabinet display. Each of the fundamentals below will ensure a well-balanced and well-thought out vignette that looks, and feels, completely you!
Focal Point on Each Shelf
Others may be different, but when I’m building each shelf up with decor, I like to start with the focal point first.
I used decor items like ironstone tureens and platters for focal points on each shelf. Everyone has a different sense of what looks pleasing to them, so I just went with what focal point piece looked good to me on each shelf. Don’t overcomplicate it!
Layering and Depth
Another important element of any curio cabinet display is layering items. This helps create depth and visual interest.
A good rule of thumb is to place shorter, more squat items in the front (like butter pats or small jars), mid-size decor items in the middle (like short pitchers or crocks), and tall items in the back (like vases or jugs).
Balance in a Curved Cabinet ( Symmetry vs. Asymmetry)
The principles of balance are super important when it comes to cabinet styling.
Also, understand that each thing has visual weight. So that the cabinet as a whole doesn’t feel un-balanced, it’s helpful to space out the ‘heavy’ and ‘light’ objects. I like my displays to be more symmetrical, so I think of it like a butterfly. Whatever I do on one side, I reflect that on the other side.
To really get a feeling for what this concept looks like, you’ll really just need play around with your decor. When I first got into decorating, I learned by doing and being tactful, so that’s my advice here, too!
Importance of Negative Space
I love negative space. Though I do adore vignettes with tons of texture and movement, I also don’t like spaces to be crowded. When styling my curved cabinet, I really made an effort to pare down the items used, letting everything breathe a little.
The same principle can be said of each decor element within a confined space. Let each item shine and be their own thing!
Incorporating Different Elements for Visual Interest in a Wood Curio Cabinet
Along with your curated collection of items, it’s helpful incorporate a few other types of elements. This method of decorating creates harmony. Even if the objects or items are disparate from the rest, they will still work if they repeat similar forms, shapes, or colors from your collection.
My favorite way of adding softness to a curio cabinet display is through the use of vintage linens! For this specific display, I used one large doily along with a handful of blue and white handkerchiefs.
Each hanky is a little bit different from one another but they all have the common theme of blue and white. Some have flowers, some have lace, but they all share the fact that each one was thrifted for no more than $1 a piece!
Try placing small hankies or doilies underneath a vase or pitcher, line the bottom of a shelf with a table runner, or place a small linen inside a bowl, letting it hang out the side.
Greenery or Floral Stems
The use of faux greenery or floral stems goes a long way in terms of adding life to a curio cabinet display. Because I wanted to keep my curio cabinet vignette simple and fairly minimal, I did not add any at this time but that’s not to say I won’t in the future!
If you would like to bring a fresh aesthetic to a cabinet or shelf display, I suggest incorporating:
- faux or fresh small plants
- dried flowers
- faux floral stems
- trailing greens
- other natural elements such as feathers or seedpods
Thrifted and vintage art is just the best. For just a few dollars, any display can take on a completely different look by simply adding art to it.
For some contrast, and a nod to my vintage barn art collection, I set a small-scale framed print on the third shelf. It’s amazing how much life that art can bring to a small space! (notice the blue theme carried in the art as well)
Vintage Books
This item may seem a little odd to some, but for me, this completely makes sense
Even before I had the cabinet, I knew I wanted to line the bottom shelf of it with vintage books from my collection. Though I’m using many books around the house right now, I still had plenty to choose from to get the look I was going for.
To me, it makes me think of an old library, packed floor to ceiling with books in all colors of the rainbow. To anchor the right side, and to keep this rogue shelf feeling cohesive with the rest, I set a blue and white ironstone tureen on the right, acting almost like a book end.
Seasonal Touches
Finally, I would be remiss if I did not quickly mention all of the possibilities in a curved cabinet for seasonal decor!
Obviously, there is much more to come on this subject as the year progresses and I change the cabinet up for the season at hand!
A Stunning Curved Display in an Antique Curio Cabinet
With that, this brings us to the finished styling of my ‘new’ thrifted curved curio cabinet, all decked out in vintage blue and white decor.
If you pull one tidbit from this post today, let it be this.
The bottom line, and most important thing is, when decorating any space in your home, just let it make you happy! Find things to use that bring you joy and then have fun playing with them.
The best thing is to be able get creative and have a sense of humor with it all.
Closing Tidbits on Showcasing Thrifted Wares: Decorating an Antique Curio Cabinet with Glass Doors
If you made it all the way to the end, THANK YOU! I had a TON to say about showcasing incredible thrifted wares and decorating an antique curio cabinet with glass doors.
Be encouraged to live with imperfect things and, along the way, allow them to teach you things you never knew.
Keep the conversation going! Share your vintage hutch or curio cabinet decor with me, and fellow vintage lovers, on Instagram @theantiquedjourney.
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7 Comments. Leave new
Your new cabinet looks lovely Rachel. Great tips! XO- MJ
Thank you!!
Rachel, this was your best article yet, and I absolutely LOVE your curio and how you styled it. I am the owner of six curio/china cabinets, two of which are curved (one I found at Goodwill for $60). I’m able to display all my beautiful things, most of which were inherited from my mom, grandmother, and aunt. I like the linens or vintage handkerchief you draped over the bowl. I usually place them underneath, but I think I’ll try draping a few, so thanks for the idea.
Hi, MaryAnn!!
You are SO sweet…thank you so very much. I spend a lot of time writing these posts to get them how I want them to be and always make sure I’m conveying what I want it to say. It makes me so happy to know that you enjoy reading my writing and that what’s in my head is conveyed on the screen 🙂 I can’t believe you have 6!! That’s so cool! Yes… I find that sometimes, like especially if a hanky or linen has pretty embroidery work or something on it, that it gets hidden underneath things so that’s when I find draping them to be a better option.
Thanks so much again..truly means the world to me that you stopped by today.
Wishing you a lovely weekend!
[…] This past Thursday, I shared a brand new post all about how I styled my new curio cabinet! In it, you will find an in-depth guide with all my top tips on how to decorate a cabinet with vintage and thrifted decor. […]
Hi Rachel, Your new cabinet is beautiful and worth the wait! You did a lovely job showcasing your wonderful collections, and I adore the blue transferware pieces! You are going to have so much fun styling this fabulous find!
Thanks so much, Donna!!