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Journey Jots #30

By Rachel

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Last Updated on February 19, 2025 by Rachel

Welcome to Journey Jots #30!

In each weekly recap, I’ll share some of my most recent posts, favorite finds or things I’m currently shopping for, and an assemblage of home decor tips and encouraging content from other creators. Settle in and join me for Journey Jots #30!

Journey Jots #30

Hello, guys! Hope you are well!

It was another quiet week with not a lot going on, which was amazing.

The weather has been just stunning! We’ve been doing some projects around the house as well as getting in plenty of bike rides.

The Lilac bushes are in full bloom! They are everywhere and smell HEAVENLY. I would love to pick a whole bunch for a bouquet but I don’t know where! All of the parks by us have signs that say to not pick the flowers so…I guess I’ll just enjoy them as they are 🙂

Life Lately

Last week, I had the very fun opportunity to get professional blog photos taken! It was such a beautiful day.

I took myself out for coffee on the way to meet the photographer, who also happens to be my dental hygienist 🙂

iced coffee

It was such a blast walking around this neat park and stopping to take photos as she saw fit. My entire outfit was thrifted, by the way 🙂 The jeans are LOFT, brand new, and were $12. The top is also LOFT, barely worn, for $6! You just can’t beat that!!

Anyways, here’s one of my favorite photos from the shoot.

journey jots #30

It was also bass fishing opener here last Saturday and I had one very happy hubby. I dropped him off at the lake for the day, went thrifting for a few hours, and treated myself to lunch from a local coffee shop!

brunch photo

Tilly has been LOVING the sun…she would lay outside basking all day if I let her.

I’ve been noticing lately how old of a girl she looks in photos now…she’ll be 6 this year and I just can’t believe it. My sweet, sweet girl.

Tilly in the sunshine

Lastly, Miss Molly turns ONE next week! Isn’t that crazy?!? Her first birthday party is coming up and I can’t wait. It’s a wildflower theme and I’m in charge of flowers 🙂

I’ll be sure to share photos from that soon!

Molly in cart

On the Blog-Journey Jots #30

Last week, on Thursday, I shared a brand new post all about thrifty patio decor ideas on a budget. Here, you will find simple tips and tricks to style your outdoor space without spending hundreds of dollars!

an outdoor water feature on a small patio

With Summer quickly approaching, you might need some quick and easy decor ideas.
In Summer decorating with thrifted milk glass, you will find ways of styling this pretty old glass into your home for just a few dollars!

a hobnail milk glass dish styled for Summer

And, in this post, thrifted home decor for Summer, I share simple ideas for finding and styling thrifted Summer finds into your home for the season.

vintage books and milk glass for Summer decor

Coming Up on The Antiqued Journey

This coming week I’ll be sharing a new post all about decorating with vintage glass jars. Then, in a few weeks, come back for the latest Thrifted Goodies series.

Lots of super fun content coming your way. Be sure you are subscribed to my e-mail so you are the first to know about new posts and merchandise updates!

Rachel from The Antiqued Journey

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The Antiqued Journey Shop

Also, in case you forgot, there is new TAJ merch in the shop section of my website. You will find super cute t-shirts and mugs designed by yours truly.

Each purchase means the world to me and helps me to continue writing weekly content. I do hope you will check it out!

Let's Go Thrifting T-shirt from The Antiqued Journey

Inspiring Content from Around the Web

Closing Tidbits for Journey Jots #30

Thank you so much for being here and joining me for journey jots #30! I love sharing a little bit of my daily life with you.

Sustainable Living Tip of the Week: Doing all of your laundry on the same day saves energy because the dryer is already warm from the previous load!

signature from The Antiqued Journey

If you are new here, I’m Rachel, the writer and content creator here at The Antiqued Journey. I’m so happy to have you! I encourage you to stop by the ‘about me’ page to get to know me a little more.

Here on the blog, you will find loads of inspiration for decorating with vintage and antique decor, simple DIY crafts and many thrifting adventures. If that interests you, I invite you to sign up for my e-mail. You will receive a free digital download as a thank you!

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6 Comments. Leave new

  • MaryJo Materazo
    May 19, 2024 3:22 pm

    Miss Molly is simply adorable. She’s gotten so big. Love the photo shoot pic too! XO- MaryJo

  • Love all the new photos of you, Rachel. They’re fabulous! How in the world is Molly almost one already? That just doesn’t seem possible. Keep us posted on her birthday. I know she’s going to be a total cutie pie. Piper has been loving her moment out in the sun this week too. It’s funny how she and Tilly are so much alike even though they are different terrier breeds. It’s going to be too hot to let her out save for the early evening hours soon so I’ve been taking her out as long as there’s a little shade so she doesn’t sunburn. She turns her face to the sun and just soaks it all in like Tilly. They’re truly living their best lives 🙂 Sending you lots of hugs and thank yous for sharing my napkin rings. They were crazy easy! Big hugs, CoCo

    • Rachel Granholm
      May 22, 2024 2:14 pm

      So happy that you stopped by today!
      Thanks so much, CoCo!! I know, right?! I can’t wait for her party…it’s going to be SO fun!
      Dogs man…they just live their best life ALL the time. We can learn a lot from them 🙂

  • Hello friend! Your photo shoot looks so fun and your picture turned out fabulous! Love your thrifted outfit too!! I can’t believe Molly will be one, the year went by so fast! Looking forward to seeing pics of the party!! Have a wonderful week!

    • Rachel Granholm
      May 23, 2024 10:00 am

      Thank you!! I know…it’s so crazy. Can’t wait for her party…it’s going to be so cute!!


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Rachel from The Antiqued Journey blog

Hey! I’m Rachel!

I’m so glad you are here! Old things are my jam. Antique malls and thrift stores are my happy places.

Here on the blog I love to share my excitement, knowledge, and ideas about all things antique, vintage, and thrifted. Let’s journey together!

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