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Thrifted Goodies Volume 4

By Rachel

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Last Updated on November 13, 2024 by Rachel

Thrifted goodies volume 4 is packed with treasures!

October has been the most lovely month and is already coming to a close. This month has been an epic one at my favorite thrift store. I’ve been going almost twice a week to start gathering items for the upcoming holiday season. Each time I have gone, I’ve come out with many beautiful pieces of home decor, things to add to my growing collections, and items for DIY projects. This is a jam packed one and I’m so excited to show you what I found. Let’s get into thrifted goodies volume 4!

Thrifted Finds for a Cozy, Unique Home

I’m joined today my by friend MaryJo from the blog master”PIECES” of my life. MaryJo has been bit with the thrifting bug just like me! She finds the most unique items and always goes home with the prettiest pieces!

Together, we are bringing you two thrifted home decor posts. Our sincere hope is that these posts will encourage you to get out there and thrift. You truly can find unique and ‘one-of’ pieces that are meant for you and your home!

Hop on over to MaryJo’s post, Thrifted Pewter Goodies on a Garden Table Design, and read all about her super fun thrifty finds as well.

a thrifted table from master"PIECES" of my life

Thrifted Goodies Volume 4: Vintage Thrift Haul and Styling Ideas

This particular thrifted goodies post is going to be heavy on vintage copper because, you guys, I haven’t found this much copper in such a long time! It makes my heart so happy to rescue these pieces and give them a proper life. There are also a few ironstone pieces and some baskets to round out the finds. Here we go!

Blue and White Porcelain Scoop

First up on the list is this adorable porcelain scoop.

I found this beauty thrown in the bottom of a box at the thrift store and really had to dig to get it out. I’m so happy it wasn’t broken! It really reminds me of the Delft pattern…I’m not sure if that’s what it is or not. The only marking on the back is an engraved ‘2’ near the top of the handle. If you know, please comment below. Either way, I wasn’t leaving this behind!

a vintage porcelain scoop

After I had retrieved it from the box, I turned it over to find the price. It was a whopping .99 cents! Then, I immediately thought how perfect this would be for a flour scoop. My husband bakes all of our own bread every week and we do all of our baking from scratch, so we use a lot of flour.

You guys, it is just the right size for the flour bin so we can just keep it in there all the time! This vintage scoop holds the flour so nicely due to the nice, tall sides. I just think it’s adorable and it makes me happy each time I use it.

a vintage scoop used for flour

Floral Ironstone Platter

This next piece is my favorite out of everything on this list today. This amazing Ironstone platter actually came from an antique store in Southern Minnesota. It was the first time that I had been to this particular antique mall but won’t be the last!

There was one booth in the whole store that really drew me in. I spent a good 15 minutes in that space because she had so many lovely pieces of Ironstone that I was weeding through. This platter caught my eye right away because I’m drawn to lacy or wavy edges of things, especially dishes. a vintage Ironstone platter on a mantel with an antique mirror

It was on the very bottom of a stack of other dishes, so I had to take my time to get to it. Once I got to it, I couldn’t believe the beautiful floral pattern that was on it! The dainty flowers are light grey and pink, a pattern that I’ve not seen before on Ironstone. For only $10, I held onto this piece for dear life!

Right before I came across this booth, I had just told my husband that we needed to find a platter because we are hosting Thanksgiving for the very first time this year. Well, I found it and am beyond excited for it to hold our turkey in a few weeks! For now, I have it displayed on a newly installed shelf in my bedroom. Who says you can’t display dishes in a bedroom?!

a vintage Ironstone platter on a shelf

Copper Measuring Cup

As I said above, I found some amazing vintage copper this past month. I’m not exactly sure what to call this piece…is it a measuring cup? The little plaque on front says ‘1/2 liter’. Remember that copper watering can I found in last month’s thrifted goodies post? They both have the same sticker on the bottom with a number and a ‘Made in Holland’ marking on them! Isn’t that cool?

I’m sure someone donated them together but got separated in the sorting area. Two different months of thrifting yet they both found their way to me. I’m so honored.

a copper half pint container with fall leaves

I actually almost missed this cup…I was heading to check out and it was sitting all by itself on a bare shelf by all the glassware! I did a double take as I walked past it and then scooped it right up. This copper piece was priced at $3.99 but it was half off that day!

I found a spot for it on this little peg shelf that hangs on the wall in my kitchen. It looks so cute next to the plaid ribbon for fall!

a vintage copper handled cup on a peg hook

Small Ironstone Platter

This adorable platter came from the same booth as the large platter. Also Ironstone, this plate is actually a Homer Laughlin piece. It says ‘Hudson’ on the back as well, so I’m thinking that’s the pattern of it.

I just fell in love with the ornate, lacy pattern around the edges of this plate and had to have it. Plus, it was only $8! a small Ironstone platter on a sideboard

I will be using this plate for Thanksgiving as well but I will also use it year round for decor purposes. These types of ironstone pieces are amazing to use in vignettes and on shelving because they are a neutral color. I can add it to the back of a basket or use it as a base to build a small display on.

For now, it is being used for a simple fall display and is holding some of my pretty waxed leaves!

fall leaves on an Ironstone plate

Copper Garlic Container

On a recent thrift store adventure, I didn’t walk 10 steps before this cute little thing caught my attention. It had been rolled out on a cart from the back not too long before I arrived and a volunteer was literally just placing it on the shelf. I don’t think it sat on the shelf for more than 5 seconds before I swooped in. I gasped as I was standing right next to her and said something like “Woah!” out loud.

She looked very confused and said “do you need this?” In my head I was thinking “YES I NEED THIS!” but to her I simply stated “Oh, I collect copper”, grabbed it, and went on my merry way.

a vintage copper garlic container

My copper collection has been years in the making. I only pick up vintage copper pieces now that I either don’t have yet or that are unique. This copper garlic container fulfills both of those ‘rules’. I paid $3.99 for it, which is an amazing price.

I’m still playing around with where to display it in my kitchen. I tried it in my little cubby shelf as well as above the cabinets where most of my copper collection resides. I am constantly moving things around in my house but I love it here for now!

a vintage garlic container in a cupboard display

Pair of Baskets

Baskets are such versatile things. When I find a decent basket that is a good price, I almost always purchase it. It’s not often that you find a matching pair of baskets, so when I saw these on the shelf, they went into my cart in an instant.

Look how pretty the color is! The cute double handles are what sold me on them. Even though these baskets are a pair, they were priced individually. The smaller one was $2.99 and the large one was $3.99, but still, that’s two baskets for under $10!

a pair of thrifted baskets with a linen

I use baskets for all sorts of things. When it comes to decorating, baskets make amazing bases for seasonal vignettes. For simple shelf decor, stick some faux greenery or flowers in them. Baskets also look amazing hanging from a large peg rack or as a gallery wall.

For more practical purposes, I use them to hold napkins near my dining table and in my bathrooms to hold extra toilet paper and hand towels. I will be using the larger one to hold dinner rolls for Thanksgiving!

When you find a basket that you love for a price that seems fair to you, my advice would be to buy it. You can always find uses for baskets throughout your home!

a pair of thrifted baskets with handles

Copper Teapot

The last item I have for you today is another copper piece. If you don’t know, I collect these vintage copper teapots, but only the ones with the blue and white porcelain handles. There is just something about them that speaks to me and I just love them.

I found my first copper teapot years ago and I’ve just kept looking for them ever since. I believe this one brings my total to 8 teapots now. These specific teapots range in price from a few dollars to upwards of $30 depending on where you look. I won’t pay more than $10 for them. This recent one, seen below, was $6.99.

a vintage copper teapot

I display my teapot collection across the top of the kitchen cabinets. It’s really the only place in my house that makes sense to have them and where I can actually see them. I’ve said it before but copper is one of those things that I never tire of.

The rich color of the metal and the patina on it adds so much character to my kitchen. It also pairs well with other decor pieces, enabling me to have it out all year long. Vintage copper just makes my heart happy!

a collection of vintage copper teapots

Closing Tidbits on Thrifting for Vintage Home Decor

My sincere hope is that this thrifted goodies volume 4 post is an encouragement for you!

You truly don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars to find beautiful decor for your home. Thrifted and vintage decor is, in my opinion, so much more meaningful because you took the time to look for it, handpicking each piece.

Buy things that you love and fill your home with pieces that you cherish. That way, your home will always feel joyful, allowing you to be filled with gratitude each day.

signature from The Antiqued Journey

Let me know in the comments below if you have found anything special at the thrift store lately. I would love to hear!

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a vintage copper cup hanging on a peg rack

Other Thrifted Posts To Enjoy

a variety of vintage ironstone
Thrifting an Ironstone Collection

vintage thrifted copper styled in various vignettes
Vintage Copper Decor Ideas

a vintage wall mount coffee grinder used in a kitchen
Top 20 Thrift Finds

24 Comments. Leave new

  • MaryJo Materazo
    October 27, 2022 9:52 am

    Rachel! All these thrifted goodies are amaZing. That ironstone platter stole my heart right away but all the copper is truly fabulous as well. The little delft scoop was a great find. So unique. I love when you dig and find a treasure like that. So glad to be thrifting with you today! I never tire of it either. XO- MaryJo

  • I wonder if the pretty scoop as well as the 1/2 liter cup are measuring implements? Whatever they are you’ve made nice additions to your kitchen.

  • What fun finds, Rachel. I adore that little blue and what scoop. How cute! And the copper is stunning! You need to teach me all of your tips and tricks for finding such great pieces!

    • Rachel Granholm
      October 27, 2022 1:09 pm

      Thank you!! I literally just go all.the.time. It’s not far from my house so like…when I’m going to Target or something I will just stop on the way 🙂

  • Shelley Humpal
    October 27, 2022 1:11 pm

    Hi Rachel: I am newer to your blog and am passionate about the antiques I collect and lived in MN too until I was 9. About a year ago I joined a Questers Group which is a national group for preservation and restoration. Basically an antique group. I just this minute sat down from hosting and giving my report on the Joy of Living with Antiques. You popped into my inbox! Your passion and enthusiasm is so similar to my own and the feeling you get from finding “the one”, nothing better. I just wanted to say thank you. So many of your words were so like my own today. You may enjoy my blog https.//fortheloveofold.net. I’de love for you to check it out.

    • Rachel Granholm
      October 27, 2022 1:34 pm

      Hi Shelley!!
      I am beyond appreciative of this comment…it brought tears to my eyes. I just love old things so much and looking for vintage is something I will never grow tired of. Thank you for being in here…it means more than you know. I will for sure check out your blog!!

  • I’m so impressed with your finds! Love the platter and all the copper! I am not having much luck thrifting these days, hoping it turns around soon!! Enjoy your new treasures!

    • Rachel Granholm
      October 29, 2022 8:10 pm

      Hi Donna!
      Thank you!!! I am sending you good thrifting vibes…hoping you find something super fun soon!!

  • Hi Rachel! Your vintage finds are AMAZING! Thank you for stopping by twelveOeight, now following your lovely blog 🙂 Tanya

  • So excited to be part of this community of collectors. Love your copper!

  • Rachel! So many AMAZING finds! We need to go thrifting together. Of course, I love the platter you found. My favorite item is the cute little copper watering can. It’s adorable!!!

  • So excited about all your finds this month, Rachel! I can’t get over all the copper pieces you’ve added lately too. They have just the right amount of patina for a totally fabulous farmhouse feel. Love the ironstone piece with the flowers on it you found and the little scoop too. Honestly, it’s all amazing. I wish we lived closer. I would definitely meet you for a day of shopping! Hugs and congratulations on all your finds, CoCo

    • Rachel Granholm
      November 4, 2022 12:56 pm

      Thank you!!! Me too…I just…can’t. stop. thrifting. I’ll be coming to Florida in February for a few weeks….it would be so fun if you could meet somehow for a day of shopping!

  • Debra@CommonGround
    November 9, 2022 11:03 am

    Rachel, those teakettles look amazing on your cabinet tops. What a statement. You inspired me to bring out my copper pieces for fall, and now I’m using them scattered around for Christmas, too. Happy Wednesday!!

    • Rachel Granholm
      November 9, 2022 11:16 am

      Hey Debra!
      Thank you!!! I’m so happy that they inspired you…I have my copper out all year long and just decorate it accordingly. It’s too pretty to not have out all the time! I’m excited to see what you did with yours!! Happy day to you!

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Rachel from The Antiqued Journey blog

Hey! I’m Rachel!

I’m so glad you are here! Old things are my jam. Antique malls and thrift stores are my happy places.

Here on the blog I love to share my excitement, knowledge, and ideas about all things antique, vintage, and thrifted. Let’s journey together!

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