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Colorful DIY Easter Tree With A Vintage Tin

By Rachel

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Last Updated on March 19, 2025 by Rachel

Learn how to easily craft a colorful DIY Easter tree with a vintage tin for just a few dollars!

I’ve had an empty tea tin sitting in my pantry for years. I just haven’t been able to get rid of it because of the possibility that I could use it, for something, at some point. Well, that something at some point is this week! Follow along as I show you how to make this adorable and colorful DIY Easter tree with a vintage tin!

DIY Easter Decor with Upcycled Materials

I tend to not hoard anything un-necessary but I’m SO glad I held on to this tin. The inspiration for this Easter tree came from a magazine that I recently read.

For budget-friendly Easter decorating, using items that you already have around the house is incredibly rewarding. Come see how I used this tea tin to make an Easter tree!

Materials Needed for a DIY Easter Tree

Rachel from The Antiqued Journey

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Directions for a Colorful DIY Easter Tree with a Vintage Tin

Here, you will find the step-by-step tutorial for creating this DIY Easter tree. As always, this is meant to be a guide. Feel free to tweak things as you see fit. Let’s get into it!

1. Cut the Floral Foam to Size.

I just roughly measured the width of my tin and cut the foam to fit.

cut floral foam to size of tin

Do a test fit to make sure the foam isn’t too big or too small.
test fit the floral foam in the tin

2. Trim the Branch Stem to Length.

I chose to use a faux stem since, here in Minnesota, the weather hasn’t given us any flowering blooms yet.
a faux flowering stem for a DIY Easter tree
Using floral cutters, cut the main branch down. I left the bottom portion (the part that will stick into the floral foam) at roughly 5 inches.

Depending on the size of your floral foam and tin, that number may be larger or smaller.
cut the faux branch to size
Then you can insert the stem into the foam.

Find the center of the foam and press the stem into it. If it feels lopsided, move the branches around.

The beauty of using a faux stem is that you can bend and move the branches around without breaking them!
push moss into the sides to make it stable

3.Push Moss Down Into the Cracks.

This helps to add a little weight to the base, keeping the tree centered and stable.moss for DIY Easter tree
Keep adding moss until all the cracks are sealed.

Tip: I really stuffed moss into my tin, pushing it down with my fingers until it wouldn’t go down any further. 
stuff moss into base for stabelization

4. Glue Moss Around the Base.

Next, using a hot glue gun, glue moss around the base of the tree.
glue moss around base of stem
Work in small sections for this step.

Squeeze a dime-sized amount of glue, place moss onto that glue, then move to the next section.
press moss onto floral foam
Continue this process until the floral foam is covered with moss.

To make it look a little more natural, I arranged some of the moss so that it draped over the sides of the tin.

Let the moss dry then pull of any excess glue strings.
moss covered floral foam

That concludes the foam and stem portion of this project. Now let’s move on to the egg ornaments!

How to Make DIY Egg Ornaments

For the ornaments, I used the eggs that I made in my recent DIY,  2 Spring Crafts From The Dollar Store. They look like this!

painted Easter eggs

I decided to re-purpose this egg craft into the ornaments for my DIY Easter tree with a vintage tin! The painted colors on my eggs were an exact match to the colors of my tin. It was meant to be!

You can easily follow these same steps by using plastic eggs from the Dollar store or craft store. Or, if you would like to make eggs similar to mine, follow the link above and it will take you to the tutorial for them.

Directions For The Egg Ornaments

1. Make a Loop.

Using twine, make a roughly 1.5 inch loop and knot it at the bottom.
twine loop for hanging egg ornamentsThen, using a scissors, trim the ends of the loop.
trim ends of twine for egg ornaments

2. Dot Hot Glue on Top.

Take one egg, place it upright, and squeeze a small dot of hot glue on the very top.
hot glue for twine loop on Easter egg
Then, gently place the knotted end of the twine loop on the hot glue.
glue twine loop to Easter egg
Hold in place for 10 seconds and then place it on a flat surface to dry completely.

Continue the above steps until you have loop hangers on your desired amount of Easter eggs.
Egg ornaments for Easter tree
I made seven ornaments, which was a good amount for the branch. You don’t want to use too many and make your branch too heavy!

3. Arrange Ornaments.

Once the egg ornaments have dried, you can start arranging them on your branch.

hang egg ornaments on Easter tree
I tried to hang my eggs so that two of the same color were not hanging next to each other.

You also need to space them evenly around the branch so that it doesn’t get top heavy.
DIY Easter tree with egg ornaments
I let this arrangement of my tree sit on the floor for awhile to make sure it didn’t tip over. The tall middle branch kept wanting to wander to the right, so I ended up bending that branch, and then a few other ones, to make the whole tree look more realistic.

Tip: When you move your tree to it’s permanent location, make sure to move really slowly!

4. Display your Easter Tree!

I decided to place my Easter tree on the shelf in the living room that holds all of my vintage enamelware.

The left side of the shelf really needed some height and this tree was the perfect piece!DIY Easter tree with egg ornaments
The colors on the tin match the colors of the enamelware in such a fantastic way. The placement of a vintage book underneath the tree made the whole display feel more cohesive to me.

It all ties together so nicely and the pops of pink from the flowers really adds color to that wall.
DIY Easter tree in a vintage tin
You can also display your tree:

  • as a centerpiece on your dining table
  • style it into a vignette
  • place it on an entry table

a DIY Easter tree placed in a vintage tin with moss

Create a Vintage Tin Easter Tree in Minutes

I’m SO happy with how this DIY Easter tree with a vintage tin turned out! It’s the perfect amount of Easter with a vintage twist.

This tree is also a versatile piece of decor. It can be switched around for the seasons by using different ornaments such as lemons for summer or American flags for the patriotic holidays.

You can also take the eggs off after Easter and leave the tree out as is as decor for the Spring months ahead!

DIY Easter tree with a vintage tin base and egg ornaments

Closing Tidbits for a Colorful DIY Easter Tree with a Vintage Tin

I hope you found encouragement in this DIY Easter tree with a vintage tin today!

By following these steps and using your own personal touch, you can create a beautiful and meaningful centerpiece for your Easter celebrations. Happy Easter!

signature from The Antiqued Journey

Leave me a comment! Do you like to create seasonal decor for your home? I love hearing from you!

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DIY Easter tree with a vintage tin

If you are new here, I’m Rachel, the writer and content creator here at The Antiqued Journey. I’m so happy to have you! I encourage you to stop by the ‘about me’ page to get to know me a little more.

Here on the blog, you will find loads of inspiration for decorating with vintage and antique decor, simple DIY crafts and many thrifting adventures. If that interests you, I invite you to sign up for my e-mail. You will receive a free digital download as a thank you!

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Rachel from The Antiqued Journey blog

Hey! I’m Rachel!

I’m so glad you are here! Old things are my jam. Antique malls and thrift stores are my happy places.

Here on the blog I love to share my excitement, knowledge, and ideas about all things antique, vintage, and thrifted. Let’s journey together!

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